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On the site ObamiconMe, one can create images in the style of the famous "CHANGE" poster for Obama. (See my profile.) A change feared by many Americans is the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would undoubtedly increase the rate of abortion and, according to some reports, require hospitals and clinics to provide elective abortions even if the management opposes the procedure.

These "Obamicons" feature the juniormost Leave the lights on blogger, my 13-month-old son. They're under a Creative Commons license, so feel free to share them. If you put one or both on your blog, you can add a link on the Mr. Linky widget below. Please note that if you do not post one of these posters, your link will be deleted.

Edit: Added new versions with improved backgrounds. For the original images, see Choose Life and Fight FOCA.

Comments (8)

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I believe no one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body, including having an abortion. You have the right to an opinion but not the right to force a fellow human being into anything against their will. People have sovereign rights over their bodies and to deny that is blasphemy.
1 reply · active 844 weeks ago
You said, "People have sovereign rights over their bodies and to deny that is blasphemy."

Nonsense. We restrict people's right to do what they wish to their own body all the time. The use of certain drugs and prostitution are both illegal. We do whatever we can to stop people from committing suicide. I'm not giving these examples to argue here that they are right or wrong (that would take the post way off topic), but only to show that there is no such thing in our legal system as an absolute sovereignty over the body. (Also, it cannot be blasphemy unless you worship the body.)

In the case of abortion, there is an inconvenient but immutable fact that cannot be ignored: Two lives are physically entwined in a pregnacy. This is not because of the religious right or the patriarchy or the Pope, but because of Nature. To argue that abortion is merely an issue of a woman's rights is to deny Nature. There are two people whose rights must be balanced in ethical questions having to do with pregnancy.

Finally, I must note that neither of my posters above say anything about taking away a legal "right" to abortion. "Choose Life" merely urges one particular choice over another, while "Fight FOCA" opposes certain legislation. If FOCA does not pass, abortion in the U.S. will still be legal. I personally do not believe there exists an objective right to have an elective abortion, so legally "protecting" such a right is a non sequitur, but that is not what these particular icons are about.
As I see it the father has rights only after the birth of the child. Elective abortion is a right. Trying to impose it on someone is attempt to take away from a woman her inalienable right to decide whose children and when to have them. That's nature and that's what God intended I am sorry male brothers but that's how it is. The alternative is trying to rape a woman to have a kid she doesn't want. That's possible but evil. I don't worship the body but consider life to be the ultimate gift from God the body being a substantial prerequisite for life. A determined woman will have an abortion if she makes up her mind so it's better to have it in a medically controlled environment.
To have a child you must convince a woman that you are worth it and she has the right to reconsider after having sex. I say blasphemy because for some reason God or Nature has made woman the bearer of life Messing with that right of the woman is messing with God and Nature. God or Nature has put men in a position of lesser significance in the process of creation of new life for a reason. I don't claim that know what that reason is but I believe that we must be humble, accept it and be grateful for the children we have with the women we love and their love to us. No law or state interference needed for that.
1 reply · active 844 weeks ago
You said, "I don't worship the body but consider life to be the ultimate gift from God the body being a substantial prerequisite for life."

I agree with that. It's an unavoidable fact that in a pregnancy, there are TWO bodies that share each other, and TWO separate lives.

There is nothing in Scripture or traditional Christian theology that says that people have total rights over their own bodies. It's a nice contemporary thought, but it's a very new one that is incompatible with revelation. The Bible alone is full of exhortations about what we are obligated to do with our bodies and what we are forbidden to do with them.
Without getting into the whole debate, I always marvel at how people say that they control their own bodies. First of all, we didn't make ourselves...God did. Second of all, it is God who gives us our very breath.

Without considering Him in an important decision as to whether to sustain or take away the life of an unborn child, our imaginations can come up with all sorts of reasoning to justify death.

Thank you for the Obamicon. I'll be checking this site out closely.
Here's that article I told you about
<a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-437236/Born...target="_blank">Amillia, born at 21 weeks
2 replies · active 843 weeks ago
Thanks. The comment software keeps breaking the links for some reason. Try this: <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1021034/The-ti...target="_blank">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1021034...
The comment software (Intense Debate) keeps breaking the links. I foudn the article with this Google search: amillia 21 weeks site:dailymail.co.uk

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