A Parade of Bad Nativities, Page 4
The 2008 Parade of Bad Nativities concludes with culture wars and political statements. Yes, didn't you know Jesus took on human flesh in order to become a political pawn?This nativity scene from Kenya almost made it to the Scary Nativities category, especially since Baby Jesus appears to be dead.
Bethlehem was in New Mexico, didn't you know? And Jesus was placed in a kiva, not a manger!
The wall in this nativity scene is supposed to represent the division in the Holy Land.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals may nix a publicly sponsored nativity scene, but I don't think it can do anything about "the Nativity", you know, the birth of Our Lord.
This nativity scene from Italy was supposed to make a statement about gay marriage. Note that there are two Josephs and no Marys. I think the magi might be wearing the heads of local politicians.
A Parade of Bad Nativities
Page 1: The Ugly
Page 2: The Scary and the Unintended Effects
Page 3: The Just Plain Wrong
Page 4: Culture Wars and Politics