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WFMW: Keeping track of perishable food

This post has been moved to my other blog, The Road to Black. To post a comment, visit the link.

If you are like me, you often forget about perishable food you have bought until it's already spoiled. I like to keep a lot of produce on hand, and sometimes buy "special" cheeses and bread products (like bagels), so this was an expensive problem.

I solved it with a dry-erase board, on which I list all the perishable goodies we have on hand. As I eat or toss out each item, I erase it from the board, and I fill in the new items after shopping trips. It's in a high traffic location, so I am reminded of these things every time I pass by. We have far less spoilage now! (My personal practice is to not list the basic items I try to always have on hand -- celery, sandwich bread, cheddar cheese.)

Actually, this is a dual-purpose board. On the top half, I keep track of items we need, which I copy to a grocery list on shopping day. Any coupons I may have go here, too.

Works For Me Wednesday is hosted by Rocks In My Dryer.

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Jendeis said...
February 6, 2008 at 10:08 AM  

What a great idea! With only a 2-person household, we have such problem finishing everything before it spoils. This would help to keep us on track!

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