Friday, June 06, 2008

Trivia: Complete this trio

Instead of a "media" post as is usual for Friday, here are some trivia questions for your weekend! Leave a comment with your answers. No peeking!

  1. What is the third member of the group "anvil, stirrup, ____"?
  2. What is the sixth member of the group "up, down, top, bottom, charm, ____"?
  3. In Catholicism, what is the name of the covered vessel used to store consecrated hosts?
  4. Identify this:

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  1. 1. hammer
    2. Quark
    3. That description could possibly apply to the monstrance, the tabernacle, or the ... the... I think they're called ciburiums, for carrying the Eucharist to sick people.
    4. It looks vaguely familiar, but I have no idea.

  2. The only one I think I know is the last one. That would be "death".
